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JoDokkDo for Christians



When the dead sea scrolls were found in 1948, the Jordanian government granted the catholic church access to them on the condition that they allow the Jordanian Government's own man to work beside them. That man was John Allergo. Allegro was not only the only one without an agenda as a true academic but he was the only actual linguist involved with the translations.

Eventually he grew more and more angry with the church and their hesitancy to publish their findings. After nearly a year the church pulled enough strings to have him kicked off the team.

Allegro immediately published "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" this was a linguistic and mythological tie between the early gnostic christian church and the advent of a more "understanding" version of an ancient cult which used (much like most of northern europe) the Amanita Muscaria mushroom for insight and divination.

Of course this book was banned in all the right places, but after the Nag Hamadi Library was found in egypt and the earliest versions of the gospels were translated, especially the Gospel according to Thomas, the connection between the gnostics and a visionary cult became very feasable.

The expurgated gospels we are accustomed to reading were designed to keep a church in power without question. They are filled with quotes like "I am the way the truth and the light. No man cometh to the father except by me." the Gnostic Christ was saying things like "The kingdom of God is already spread upon the earth and men do not see it." and "Drink from my mouth and become as I am." These writings were repressed, like the esoteric traditions in nearly every religion from the Hermeticists and Tantrics to the Sufis.

This gnostic (Literally "To Know") version of Christianity is still active and still underground for the most part. This is not accidental. The way the majority of the gnostic traditions amoung the various religions look upon the standard version is that these exoteric traditions keep the general sheep-like populace under control with strict laws and keep them from thinking. This is a fine arrangement unless the esoteric movement threatens the norm. Then the burnings, hangings and crucifictions begin. By all means the people cannot be made to realize that they are already totally connected to "God" and cannot be disconnected. That they have and do create their own reality from second to second.

This is the reason contemplitive drugs must be kept illegal. If one takes four grams of psylocybin and is presented with endless chasms of fractal corridors and what McKenna liked to call "Self transforming machine elves" all making it very obvious that not only are the crude motivations and emotions to which humans cling so tenaciously completely out the window but so is the egocetric world view. If everyone sane enough to have their consciousness changed could take one journey outside this illusion, they would never again take any of this so seriously.

And so, the Jodokk version of Advaita Vedanta is easily incorporated into the Gnostic Christian world view, IF, that Gnostic Christian view is colored by the idea that both are merely concepts and sad human-made attempts at describing the indescribable. Both must be totally rejected before realization happens. However, if they are rejected towards that goal, this then becomes the sticking point. Do what thou wilt. Shall be the whole of the law.


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