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Reviews Page

Reviews of various media that JoDokKaliKa and JoDokkDoka might enjoy.


The Power of Myth
                         Joseph Campbell

This book is actually the transcript of a discussion between PBS's Bill Moyers and the late Joseph Campbell, arguably the nation's most influential mythologist during the 20th century.  The interviews took place in Marin county at George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch only a few months before Campbell's death. 
Throughout Campbell chronicals the human tendancy toward myth.  Not myth in the fictional sense but myth as it is; living, and driving, and informing whichever culture gives birth to it.  Truly this man was a deliverance to those who may be caught in the dangerous ground of allowing laws or societal pressures to be dictated by the keepers of myth who cannot come to terms with the origins of their own religions.  A good dose of Joseph Campbell could save thousands of lives in the middle east in the next few years.
He is unassuming and truly in love with myths and the deeper truths behind the tale tales that make up the New Testement, or the Koran, or the Bagivad Gita, or the Torah.
The video series is a wonderful thing to watch but there are several time that I referred to the text of the book for elucidation of a remark or idea.
Pick-up a copy today and let the man speak to you from the grave about things of inner and outer space.
Contributed by, Louis D. Burrello


2001: A Space Odessy
               Directed by Stanley Kubrick
               Written by  Arthur C. Clark

There is nothing new I can possibly write about this masterpiece of mythological sci-fi that hasn't been written except for perhaps this.  If you have read any of Terrence McKenna's books about plant hallucinogens and the evolution of ancient homonids. . . simply replace the monolith with a Stropharia Cubensis mushroom and you've got a pretty interesting and viable theory of human consciousness at the crossroads.



The newest offering by TOOL is everything it would have to be for the group to continue to grow. Dense in the best sense of the word, it represents growth perhaps even past its audience. With a nod to king crimson and others who will not be recognized during this decade or probably century, TOOL has thrown any idea of marketing and audience approval into the hurricane and decided to do whatever they wish. My feeling is that they are doing what RUSH would have done if RUSH had not stopped growing due to their adherence to the Ayn Randian, materialistic worldview. Where RUSH had to stop musically and stagnate, TOOL is alive and new, constantly pushing the envelop and watching it bend. And truly not caring one flip whether that envelop breaks.

Lateralus, released in late 2001 is only the fifth offering from this Southern California progressive/hardrock foursome and it's most cerebral to date. Thick with references from Buddhism, Hermetic Majick, and other contemplitive traditions this self-absorbed CD is pure elixar. Whereas Aenima was full of humor and tracks (Such as Hooker witha Penis) which took on double and even triple meanings in subsequent listenings, Lateralus is even thicker but withour the humor presented in the last. It will take listening to the tracks again and again to "get it."

"Parabola" is a journey through Maslows hierarchy up the chakra and into the philosopher's stone toward realization. My only critique would be that they aren't certain where they might be going.

"Schism" is a song about communication between "lovers" or "brothers." It searches for the coming together of that which has been parted, the simplification of that which is complex towards connection. Silence truly atrophys any sense of compassion. A strange word coming from this band and lyracist.

Aenima kept me busy for four years . . .

With so much to choose from one could spend two or three years finding new and interesting things to love about this CD.


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